A Direção e os Corpos Sociais da LISTA A foram eleitos para o Biénio 2024-2026 do Clube da Criatividade de Portugal.
Após a Assembleia Geral realizada hoje, em formato online, os sócios do Clube votaram e elegeram a LISTA A para a Direção do Clube nos próximos dois anos.
O Clube com 581 sócios ativos, registou 42 presenças na Assembleia Geral, que se realizou como Assembleia extraordinária, e que visou a aprovação de contas de 2023, a alteração dos estatutos para o aumento de 3 para 4 vogais de Direção e a eleição da Direção, Conselho Fiscal e Mesa de Assembleia Geral para os próximos dois anos e a análise do plano de atividades da mesma.
Susana Albuquerque, cabeça de Lista, mantém-se como presidente do Clube para os próximos dois anos. Os restantes elementos mantêm-se também nos mesmos cargos, Pedro Mesquita enquanto vice-presidente, José Maria Machado enquanto Tesoureiro, Andreia Ribeiro como primeira vogal, Mafalda Quintela como segunda vogal, Daniel Caeiro como terceiro vogal e Judite Mota assume o cargo de quarta vogal.
Direção e Corpos Sociais CCP para o Biénio 2024 - 2026:
Susana Albuquerque - Presidente
Pedro Mesquita - Vice-presidente
José Maria Machado - Tesoureiro
Andreia Ribeiro - 1ª vogal
Mafalda Quintela - 2ª vogal
Daniel Caeiro - 3º vogal
Judite Mota - 4ª vogal
Mário Mandacarú – Presidente
BDO, SA – Representada por Anabela Vaz Borges– 1ª vogal
Maria Magalhães – 2ª vogal
Luís Alvoeiro - Presidente
Luís Mileu - Vice-presidente
José Ricardo Monteiro – Secretário
O plano de atividades para o próximo Biénio guia-se pela vontade de dar continuidade ao trabalho que tem sido desenvolvido até agora.
Com esta reeleição, a Direção do CCP compromete-se a continuar a sua missão de:
- Reconhecimento do talento no mercado nacional, ajudando a estabelecer padrões de qualidade e dando palco aos que neles se destacam;
- Renovação do talento, contribuindo para a formação de uma nova geração de profissionais diversa;
- Internacionalização do trabalho português;
- Dignificação da criatividade e da profissão;
- Descentralização da criatividade no território nacional;
- Transformação do Clube dos Criativos no Clube da Criatividade;
- Promoção de um mercado mais inclusivo, equitativo e participativo;
- Relação com as Agências Associadas.
O programa completo da Direção reeleita, já pode ser consultado.
Clube da Criatividade de Portugal board members re-elected for the next two years
The Clube da Criatividade de Portugal board members have been re-elected for the next two years, with Susana Albuquerque as head of the list.
After the General Assembly, which took place today online, Club members were elected to the Club Council for the next two years, with only one list submitted.
With 581 active members, the Club recorded 42 attendees at the General Assembly, which was held as an extraordinary session. This Assembly aimed to approve the 2023 financial records, amend the Club’s statutes to increase the number of Board members from 3 to 4, elect the Board, Fiscal Council, and General Assembly Board for the next two years, and review the action plan for the 2024-2026 biennium.
Susana Albuquerque, head of the list, will remain President of the Club for the next two years. The other members will also retain their positions: Pedro Mesquita as Vice-President, José Maria Machado as Treasurer, Andreia Ribeiro as First Member, Mafalda Quintela as Second Member, Daniel Caeiro as Third Member, and Judite Mota will assume the role of Fourth Member.
CCP’s Board and Social Bodies for the 2024-2026 Biennium:
Susana Albuquerque – President
Pedro Mesquita – Vice-President
José Maria Machado – Treasurer
Andreia Ribeiro – 1st Member
Mafalda Quintela – 2nd Member
Daniel Caeiro – 3rd Member
Judite Mota – 4th Member
Mário Mandacaru – President
BDO, SA – Represented by Anabela Vaz Borges – 1st Member
Maria Magalhães – 2nd Member
Luís Alvoeiro – President
Luís Mileu – Vice-President
José Ricardo Monteiro – Secretary
The action plan proposed by the board members for the next two years was developed with the goal of continuing the progress already made.
Biennium 2024-2026
Why continue?
Because we know that the Clube da Criatividade de Portugal is an organization of people, because we want to keep working together, because we believe there is still much to be done, and because we feel we have the necessary energy, the current Board is reapplying with the following goals:
Valuing talent in the national market through the establishment of quality standards and providing opportunities for those who stand out:
- Our Festival must continue to be the biggest reference in the creative industry in Portugal.
- The Rankings must reflect the best professionals in each Festival category.
- The Festival should play an educational role in the market, promoting the participation of partners. To support this, the Shortlist Jury vote will remain open to all members.
- CCP will continue to promote initiatives (either independently or through partnerships) that showcase the best work and the best professionals. One example of this is the “Mostra” platform on the website.
Talent renewal starting with contributions to the training of a new generation of diverse professionals:
- CCP’s relationship with Portugal’s creativity schools will continue.
- Programs and activities aimed at young creatives will remain a priority for the Club.
- The Zona II project will continue and evolve.
International reach of Portugal’s best work:
- CCP's relationship with the Art Directors Club of Europe and The One Club for Creativity must continue as a strategic means of promoting the globalization of national creative work.
- Partnerships between CCP and international creativity festivals will continue, with the aim of reinforcing Portuguese representation through juries, speakers, or other forms of participation.
Dignifying creativity and its professional status:
- The Club will seek a permanent headquarters to host all its activities.
- The Club will continue partnerships with other national organizations and media partners that offer visibility and value the creative community.
- The Club will continue promoting conversations around how the creative community can contribute to creating a fairer society.
- The Club will explore partnerships and initiatives that promote good practices in the industry, whether related to innovation, new trends and challenges, platforms and technologies, ethics, sustainability, work culture, or social responsibility.
Decentralization of creativity across the national territory:
- The Club is committed to organizing at least one event per year outside Lisbon.
- When possible, the Club will promote the inclusion of professionals from outside Lisbon in activities such as Tertúlias, the CCP Festival, and Portfolio Night.
Transformation of Clube dos Criativos into Clube da Criatividade:
- We understand that this is a long and ongoing process. The Club must continue expanding its scope to include a variety of creative disciplines in its activities.
- The relationship with advertisers and sponsors should be strengthened through initiatives such as Open Briefs, the Festival, or other partnerships.
Promotion of a more inclusive, equitable, and collaborative market:
- The Club is committed to continuing initiatives that promote gender equality, such as the Podcast Clube das Criativas, among others.
- The Club will study and implement new initiatives aimed at gender parity and equality, inclusion, and ethics.
Relationship with Associated Agencies:
- The Club will maintain regular relations with partner agencies in order to better reflect and respond to creative challenges, whether in terms of representation or training.